Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fourth Of July

It has come to my attention

and by that I mean I just thought of it (LOL)

our country is celebrating Independence Day this Thursday which will be July,4th.

For my followers from other countries, it is the day in 1776 when the United States

succeeded from the British. It's a big thing here in my country. Families get together 

often have cookouts, then watch fireworks like those in these two pictures. 

So we'll sit back this Thursday and celebrate our Independence. 



Just Not Sure

Not sure what I want to do with my life

where I want to be in the near future

what I want to be doing

whether or not I want to have someone special in my life

which I have pretty much given up on

it all seems so confusing

much too much for me to try to figure out

nothing I do seems to matter anymore

seems I'm just spinning my wheels

but am getting nowhere except deeper down a hole

I wonder if I should try

I'm Just Not Sure.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Think Of You

When I look up in the sky I think of you

when I see all the stars shining bright I think of you

when I see small children at play I think of you

I think I wished you could have stayed

and not gone away so soon

everything about you is always in my thoughts

my prayers, my hopes and my dreams

I don't think I can ever stop thinking of you

I miss you so much Sean. You were my son

gone too soon in life at only ten.

Daddy will always be thinking of you, remembering you

I Love You.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why Try (Poem)

Why try

might as well just lay down and die

there's nothing else to say

nobody cares anyway

everything seems just a lie.
Everything seems to fade away

Why can't I make them stay

Why do they treat me this way

There's nothing else to say.
Might as well just lay down and die

Why try

Nobody cares

Why do they treat me this way.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why Is It So Hard

Why is it so hard to understand me

to make me feel good inside about myself

to feel loved and not rejected

the way I've felt most of my life

too many failed relationships have come and gone

no one seems to stay

they all just go away

and leave me here alone with a broken heart

Why is it so hard to understand how I feel?

Why Is It So Hard?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Angel Of Mine (A Poem)

Your hair is black and silky

your eyes a deep dark onyx

your face is one - one must never forget

and your body is soft, warm and smooth.
Your eyes are a deep dark onyx

I'll never forget how it felt to hold one another's nude bodies

your face is one - one must never forget

for as long as eternity.
Your body is both beauty and art

things I can't ever recall seeing before

I just want to hold you and never let us part

to be like this forevermore.
Things I can't ever recall seeing before

Your beauty brings about happiness

Making me smile every time I see you

Do you know how that really makes me feel?
Your beauty brings about happiness

Your hair is black and silky

To be like this forevermore

That is the way I want to spend my days my life-partner.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beauty And Soul (A Poem)

With hair dark as coal silky as satin

eyes a dark brown that reflect the light

tall and nicely built

you are truly a vision of loveliness.
Eyes a dark brown that reflect the light

I watch you walk the halls at school

you are truly a vision of loveliness

you almost glide along effortlessly like an angel.
I watch you walk the halls at school

you made me love you from the first time I saw you

I wondered if maybe I wasn't just being a fool

maybe there was never anything between us two.
You made me love you from the first time I saw you

With a body tall and slender

Maybe there was never anything between us two

You were as soft as you were tender.
With a body tall and slender

With hair dark as coal silky as satin

You were as soft as you were tender

For this reason Teri I will always love and cherish you.


Saturday, June 8, 2013


As I lay here looking up at the clouds floating by

I can't help wondering what if anything is on them?

Are there angels that close to us, watching over us?

It really makes me wonder.

And they are of all different shapes and sizes

I will admit some actually do look a little like animals

In there own strange and unique way

So I think I will continue to lay here and watch the clouds

As they pass on by

And wonder is there really someone up there -

Perhaps even one of our guardian angels ?