Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just The Thought Of You

Why is it every time I see your face

it makes my heart ache.

Why is it every time I hear your voice

it makes it want to break.

Every time I hear your voice

it brings back memories of us

yes some good and some bad.

There was a time we were inseparable

yet you let it all go astray

You left me alone

broke my heart

I've had this done to me several times

now you're flirting with me won't do no good

you're not getting me back

so you might as well get used to your new lover

because your old one is moving on.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yesteryear 1, 2, 3

Since I'm coming up on my 2000 view of my blog, and I thank all of you for viewing. I don't want to get all

sentimental here. I just thought it would be nice to review a little of last years poetry and entry.                  

So I give you my favorite three.

I Chose This Poem Because It Shows My Deepest Feelings Of Love For A Man.


I still remember the first time I saw your naked body

how I held you in my arms

you felt so warm

it was as though before this I had never touched anybody.
I did not care that you possessed a few extra pounds

love after all comes from what's inside

and not what is on the outside

I thought your body was sexy being a little round.

Yesteryear 1, 2, 3

The Warmth Of Him

The warmth of him on a cold night

being in my arms to stop me from shivering

it's the kind of feeling I'd like to share

with the one I love

with the one who I care the most - and cherish.

Yesteryear 1,2, 3

Lost Too Young

(A Poem For Teri Dasovich)

As I stood by your grave and watched your twin sister

grieving over the loss of her beloved twin

I wonder what sort of relationship you had with her

was it happy or sad within?

I hope there were never any feelings of anger between you and her

no ill thoughts of any kind.

You were only nineteen years old when you left this world

so tragically that day you were taken away

yet as I stare at your sister I know we are both bereft

at the sadness of your passing that way.

I think we all wish to remember you

how you could always make us laugh and smile

as it never came difficult for you to do

you just had that special gift Teri

and that is why I will always be in love with you.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I was recently asked which Season I liked Best Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
Hmm. Well Winter can be kinda harsh with it's sometimes cold, harsh temperatures, and by contrast Summer can be sweltering with it's hot humid temperatures sometimes over 100 degrees. Let's face it both of those I'd like to spend inside where it is nice. I like
Spring because everything is anew. The temperature is starting to warm, flowers and trees are budding. Heck even birds and insects are coming out of the holes to greet this Season.
Autumn is beautiful because if for anything the trees are turning a different color, and I mean by that only the leaves. A pretty orange and red. The air has a crispness to it, yet it isn't yet cold and it isn't still hot.
So I guess to answer my friends question - I'd have to say Spring and Autumn.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Remembrance Of You

Every time I hear your voice

I see your face

Your warm sometimes funny smile

Remember the days we spent together

Doing more than play

The things we done we would not say :)

Every time I hear your voice or your name

Every time I smell fresh strawberries I think of your hair

How it smelled of wild strawberries.

Each time I think of one of these it makes for my sunny day.


Thursday, March 7, 2013



I still remember the first time I saw your naked body

how I held you in my arms

you felt so warm

it was as though before this this was the first time this way I had never touched anybody.

I did not care that you possessed a few extra pounds

love after all comes from what's inside

and not what is on the outside

I thought your body was sexy being a little round.
The things we did together

and the things we did see

in all kinds of weather

we managed to always make each other very happy.



You Say

You say that you love me

yet I only get hurt by you

why oh why do you besiege me

torture me the way you do.
If this is your idea of love

then I wonder if I want any part of

this love as you call it

seems like bullshit.
You came at me with a knife and try to kill me several times

you shot at me on a stairway

how can you think you were not committing any crimes

by treating me this way.
You know I put my baby inside you

that soon we were going to have a child

that made me feel so proud

you said it was for us, this child, ours.
You said it was not going to happen

that it just was not to be

our baby was stillborn

I knew, yes I knew it was the coke that made it be.




With hair the scent of wild strawberries

skin so warm and soft to my touch

lips so soft and full

we embrace in a kiss

our tongues do a dance with one another

I stare into your hazel eyes

you stare deep into my blue eyes

no words need be spoken

our body language says it all

the warm caress of your fingers along my body

we sit and enjoy each other's company

this is the way I would always wish it could be

tell me-am I a fool for thinking that way.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I recently wrote this to someone I had a relationship with. What we had lasted almost ten years, but I was never sure how she felt about me.

I just want to say I don't know how you really felt about me, never felt I ever did know. But I want you to know I'll go to my grave always loving you. Michelle B.