Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dreams - What Do They Mean?

What are dreams?

Are they the things we wish to come true for ourselves?

Or are they merely wishful thinking?

I've noticed some dreams I wake up from and can't recall all of it

That is when I wish there was a dreamcatcher that would capture my dreams

And hold them so I could see and study them

Some of those nasty nightmares maybe I could make sense of

Like the times I am falling or feel like I'm drowning and can't breath

Yet I am unable to awaken myself 

I feel so helpless during those times like someone else is controlling me

Maybe that is it, a higher source is controlling us and we cannot do

What we think we must in our dreams

Then there are those dreams of passion, when I am in bed with the man I love

We kiss, fondle, hold each other and eventually make passionate love

I think I'm getting hard just thinking about it, so I better stop now 

Before I lose control and cum in my pants. LOL. 


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