Saturday, April 20, 2013


Love Letter  # 5.1

I always wondered what love was and was I missing out 

Love it seems is always alluding me - an illusion to me

Over and over, again

Very much seemed to be playing a game with me

Every day and in every way

Day after day my heart ached for something I could not have

Teasing me - abusing me

Every chance it got

Ridiculing me 

It always seemed to fleeting this thing called love

Day and night I dreamed of her and I being together

Always together holding each other in our arms

Seeing her dark brown eyes as I stared into them with mine

Over and over we told each other how in love we were

Very much we wanted to build a life and family together

In all it all seems but a dream - one I feel I can never awaken from

Catching myself hearing her voice whispering to me in my sleep

Hearing her as though she were laying next to me in my bed. 


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