Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Torture Scenes From "Asylum City" A Mark Jay Patterson Novel

This is a scene from the novel I am working on called "Asylum City". In this scene my protagonist, Narcotics Detective Mark Jay Patterson is brought to my antagonist, Jonathan Lawrence Dramon, a drug smuggler. In this is one scene where Dramon tortures Patterson. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.

Sensory Deprivation Tank

     Patterson was brought into the large back room of the warehouse, by two of Dramon's men and dropped onto the floor. Dramon stared at him smiling.

     "Get him in the chair and ready for the injection of the drug," Dramon told his men.

     The same two men  who brought him in held him seated in a wooden chair. Patterson saw the smiling, sadistic face of Jonathan Lawrence Dramon approaching him. Dramon  squatted in front of Patterson , then he showed him a hypodermic needle.

     "Now I know you're aware of what one of these is," he said still smiling sadistically. "Because I know you've stolen heroin from my people and used it on yourself."

     He then tapped the inside of Patterson's right elbow till he found a vein. "Only this is LSD. Pleasant nightmares, Mr. Patterson."

     Patterson looked down at his arm, seeing the needle drawing closer to his skin. When he felt the prick of the needle, he let out a guttural moan that sounded like a dying animal.

     The effects of the LSD were immediate. Everything around him became distorted, surreal. He didn't even feel the two men pick him up by the arms.

     "Take him to the tank and get him ready to take his fatal plunge," Dramon told his two men.

     Patterson noticed their arms and hands were meaty globs that had no shape or form. They just seemed to hang there. He was dragged to the top of four metal steps, unable to do anything to free himself by this time.

     "I think you will find this tank to be like nothing you've ever seen before Mr. Patterson. It's called a  Sensory Deprivation Tank, and it is filled with water at body temperature. Now in a few minutes my men will be attaching wires to your head, so I can monitor your brain waves."

     Patterson's struggles to free himself were futile, as the two men had a tight grip on him.

     Dramon gave him an eerie laugh. "Very soon Mr. Patterson you will begin having horrible nightmares, like none you have had before."

     He then looked over at his men. "Lower him in."

     Dramon walked over to the window on the front of the tank, and wiped away the steam. He peered inside, then smiled and laughed as he watched Patterson's body twitching. He could only imagine what was going through his mind at the moment.

     "That's right Mr. Patterson. You're finding out for the first time in your miserable life what pain and suffering feels like. Enjoy," he said.

     Patterson began remembering things about his childhood, all the really bad things. Things he had not thought about in years. He remembered a time he and a friend went swimming in a pond, on his friend's relative's farm.

     They swam out quite a ways, too far, and Patterson began struggling to stay afloat. He started panicking and his friend had to come over, put his arm around him and help him back to shore. As he recalled this, his legs kicked his arms flung wildly about inside the tank, like he was remembering how close he came to death that day.

     He recalled another part of his life, when he and Tiffany Dramon argued over the fact she had come in on him having sex with her younger sister, Kari.

     She screamed at him. "You never listen to me Mark."

     He raised his voice to her. "I told you I love you."

     "Yeah and then I find out your fucking my sister."

     "Yeah I admit Kari and I had something at one time."

     "You never listen to me, Mark," she said. "Why won't you listen to me?

     "You keep saying that. I listen to you all the time."

     "Yeah like when I tell you Jonathan is doing nothing illegal like smuggling drugs, yet you still snoop around here like that's what he was doing."

     "Maybe this whole relationship was a bad idea Tiffany," he said.

     "You're some piece of work Mark, and to think I wanted to start a family with you."

     "You're nothing special either."

     Jolts of electricity were then sent through him. He kicked the wall with his heels of his feet, while punching it with his closed fists.

     After a few minutes Dramon told his men, "Release him, and take him out through the back door. Throw him in the alley. Let his friends find him."

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